Hyphenation of mahoe

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word mahoe? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of mahoe:

Shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores
Yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk Often cultivated for ornament
Erect forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flowers
Yields a moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks

Synonyms of mahoe:

noun majagua, mahagua, balibago, purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus, hibiscus
nounCuban bast, blue mahoe, majagua, mahagua, Hibiscus elatus, hibiscus

Last hyphenations of this language