Hyphenation of INTENSE

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word INTENSE? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of INTENSE:

Possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
Intense heat Intense anxiety Intense desire Intense emotion The skunk's intense acrid odor Intense pain Enemy fire was intense
Extremely sharp or intense
Acute pain Felt acute annoyance Intense itching and burning
(of color) having the highest saturation
Vivid green Intense blue

Synonyms of INTENSE:

adj intense, aggravated, bad, big, blood-and-guts, cold, concentrated, consuming, overwhelming, deep, exquisite, keen, extreme, utmost, uttermost, fierce, tearing, vehement, violent, trigger-happy, intensified, intensive, main, pressure-cooker, profound, raging, screaming, severe, terrible, wicked, strong, terrific, thick, deep, unabated, violent, wild, immoderate, intemperate, profound
adj acute, sharp
adj vivid, saturated, pure

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