Hyphenation of DIFFERENCE

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word DIFFERENCE? This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of DIFFERENCE:

The quality of being unlike or dissimilar
There are many differences between jazz and rock
A variation that deviates from the standard or norm
The deviation from the mean
A disagreement or argument about something important
He had a dispute with his wife There were irreconcilable differences The familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats
A significant change
The difference in her is amazing His support made a real difference
The number that remains after subtraction
The number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend

Synonyms of DIFFERENCE:

noun quality
noun deviation, divergence, departure, variation, fluctuation
noun dispute, difference of opinion, conflict, disagreement
noun change
noun remainder, number

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